How To Schralp

Learning how to schralp is fun. Everyone loves an awesome schralp(or roost)…except maybe trail builders. Well definitely trail builders! They hate schralping, and for good reason. 

Not only do schralps make you look cool, it makes you look like you’re going fast and the spray of dirt behind you looks super impressive! It’s also one of the best feelings you can have on a mountain bike. 

So What Is A Schralp (or Shralp)

Schralp is a verb and means to rip, shed or tear something up. In this case a berm or corner on a mountain bike trail

While schralping may not be the proper way to corner or the fastest way to take a corner, it’s too much fun not to learn this simple trick.

Basically, you’re hitting a berm or a corner so hard it actually makes a noise like the word schralp, but more of a braaaallllpp. If the corner, or berm is packed hard, you will get that schralp sound. 

how to roost a berm

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If the dirt on the berm is looser it will usually just explode into an arc of dust, but no sound. This would be called a roost. You can also add extra dirt for maximum impact like Finn Iles does in the video below.

A Word Of Caution

When you are trying this at home, make sure you start slow and build up, because you can really hurt yourself and wreck your bike! Make sure you are wearing the right gear. Check out our article on the best MTB Knee Pads.

Schralping In 4 Easy Steps

1. Line up your turn. This is the most important part. Remember, it’s ok to brake check as you are entering the corner, but you shouldn’t brake during the schralp. Remember, Schralping is not the same as skidding!

2. Head for the apex (middle) of the corner, usually at a 45-degree angle.  

3. When you hit the apex, turn your shoulders and bike really sharply and late into the corner. You must push down hard with force and weight onto your pedals. 

This forces the back wheel to hit the berm hard and if the ground is tightly packed, you will hear the schralp sound. If the dirt is looser, you will get a good spray of dirt instead of a sound and this is a roost. 

4. When you are actually in the schralp, you should try not to break. This is what makes it dangerous when exiting, so be careful. 

The last step is to exit the berm carefully and safely. This is the point where you can get hurt, explode your tire, get the back wheel over the lip of the berm and you wipe out. 

Safety is paramount…but have fun!